Boost your learning program engagement by 7x and reduce turnover intention by 38% with ion.
No classroom needed.
Survey learners to discover key growth opportunity areas
Learners are placed into small peer-learning groups
Start and scale your peer-learning program
Diverse peer groups promote inclusive collaboration and behavior change
Discover 3 ways ion's peer-learning methodology radically changed the culture of a fast-growing biotech company. Get inspired by how you can improve your training programs.
I found ion Learning to be an outstanding methodology for learning. The ability to complete an online module, then come together with my team to discuss questions and experiences was extremely helpful In reinforcing the content and committing to changes In behavior.”
Let's chat about how you are building a pipeline of diverse leaders and what's holding you back from scaling those initiatives. We'll share the ion framework and we can determine if we're a match.
Together we will create a learning journey, specific to your needs, leveraging the ion course catalog and platform and paired with any of your existing learning assets.
See for yourself how creating a safe environment for peers, from all backgrounds, to learn and grow will fuel insights and reignite your culture.